Tuesday, August 5, 2008

How bikers are classified...

Here I present my own FAQ for newbie bike riders in Mumbai :)

  • How bikers are classified ?
Bikers are classified depends on criteria. If you take "style of riding" as a property, then they are classified in following classes -
Newbies, followers(lane-switchers), Leaders, Raintors, Mavericks

Newbies: Some dumb bikers... They don't know difference between riding a bike on the road n driving a car on road... no lane-switching no pass-thro's. They just follow the car in front of them...

Followers: These are also known as lane-switchers. They possess some skills that normally every 'Mumbaikar' rider possesses. They Pass through the gap between two lanes... But mostly they are followers... They just follow other followers or leaders.

Leaders: Leaders have their own class. When you look at them, u know - this guy's bike leader. They actually lead the troop of followers...

Raintors: Raintors (Rain Mentors) are special kind of leaders... Here in mumbai riding bike in rain is difficult task if there's no Raintor to follow... Raintors are... u know... advance n experienced rides.. they know where the road is plane... where we can go thro water. If its raining, followers 'blindly' follow raintors... no exception...

Mavericks: In mumbai all bike rides are like a group... You will hardly get to see two riders not riding side-by-side. But there are some Mavericks, they are followers having capacity to be a Leader. They separate themselves from group n try to explore new paths throught cars... sometimes they succed, some times fail... If succed, they start a new flow of bikers... n become Leader of that flow.

If we take speed as property then bikers are classefied in following classes -
BeCars, SignalSwifts, Masters

BeCars: they are almost same as Novice riders... They hardly overtake any car...
(Avg speed: 30-40km/hr)

SignalSwifts: They go zigzag through cars n reach first row at signals...
(Avg speed: 40-50km/hr)

Masters: They go zigzag through cars which are moving at a constant speed (normally 40km/hr)... Very difficult to achieve this level... Rider requires stamina, Gap calculation logic, speed control.
(Avg speed: 50-60km/hr)

[to be continued]

* Conditions apply. All rights reserved.


अभिजीत said...

very good observations Praj :)

waiting for next part..

Btw, what is your category ? :P . I haven't seen you driving in Mumbai.

Unknown said...

im trying to put myself in some category..:)

good observation tho..and a nice description...:)

Anonymous said...

Praj is a biker with his own rules:

No matter what happens -
1) Stay off the sides of the road. (as if the footpath/roadside is in low-tide)[:O]
2) If you see any animal on the road (even if from a fairly long distance) ... go dead-slow. (the animal must not feel "saalaa ... malaa cut maarto" )[:P]

- from experience.