Sunday, October 18, 2009

<Music />

Ultimate question I wanna ask today is - How many of you listen to music while coding?

Today I listened to one of the podcast on similar topic. (not while coding..)
They said, if the room you are coding is too noisy then listening to music while coding actually helps concentrating..
And its actually true.. works for me..
Our brain takes chunk of concentration in noisy places rather than coding while listening to music. Reason behind this is pattern recognition. its very hard in case of random noise so takes brain's power to run that algo. :) but if you're listing to song you already heard, it'll not need that much brain power...

My experience says -
* If you are sitting in noisy place - you can hardly concentrate.
* If you are listening to music that you always listen - you can concentrate much better.
* If you are listening to same song over and over again - concentration at its best until you realize you are listening to same song..
* If you are listening to song that you've never heard - concentration is ok, but you really will have to listen to song again to know how good/bad it is..
* If you are listening to audiobook while coding.. waste of time.. you'll hardly code n listen to same chapter when you are free..
* Movie, TV serial somewhere in the vicinity, you'll close aptana n start watching it..
* Sitting in Conference room alone? you'll do whole weeks work in an hour..

Some people prefer White Noise for concentrating.. but that noise irritates me after some time.. :(

What do you guys prefer ?


Ameya said...

I alwaysssssss listen to music while coding...helps me concentrate better...

Jitesh Shah said...

There's always music playing in the background while I am coding and I _never_ remember the songs that have been played!

Vedang said...

I prefer silence. I can concentrate best when it's completely silent. But if there is noise around, then I play music. It was just a subconscious thing until I read your post, now I realise it helps me concentrate better

Unknown said...

yea...I can't code without music playing...
sometimes i do remember wats playing..n sing along too...

अभिजीत said...

I prefer music while coding. Praj, you must be remembering our project days when we used to start songs first.

Sameer said...

Anything is fine with me. There is not much noise at the place I work. So there is no problem of not being able to concentrate because of that. But sometimes I do listen to music while coding and also sing along/tap feet most of the times.

Also this comment below the post thing doesn't work in firefox :|

Blogger987654 said...

I just cannot code with music. Most of the times I am ok even if there are some noises nearby as long as no one is shouting.
Another problem is that I get really irritated after wearing (any kind of) headphones for more than half hour or so.