Monday, February 8, 2010

Fit in

When I was young, I had this geometry blocks game. You know, you have blocks of different shapes like circle, rectangle, square, triangle n on big block with the exactly opposite holes of same shapes.
One day, I wanted to fit a rectangular block in a square hole. But it was not exactly fitting in. So I broke that rectangle shape in two. *zap* it fitted easily (if not perfectly). I was happy for a sec n then I removed that piece again. n tried to fit in original rectangle hole... Then I realized twas not a good decision to break the piece just to fit in the hole it never belong.

When you shift from one city to another; When you start hanging out with new people,  you have to change some habits of yours or some things that you do. But now-a-days before changing that, I ask myself a few questions. Is it really worth? Do I really wanna fit in? Do I really care if I don't? Do they really care if I don't?

Life, I think, is like that plastic block. It definitely fits somewhere you just don't know it where. Its up to you to decide whether to change yourself to fit in the first thing you come across or to wait and look for a perfect match.


Ashish said...

hmm.. good one! everybody might have faced this dilemma sometime or the other.

Just another angle: whether to wait for "the" right girl or fit in with available one :P

Praj ~ said...

yeah.. I thought of that.. but then my blog would have flooded with comments like "Awww Praj" "Kon ahe tiii" vagaire..


Priygun said...

Nice one .. I agree that there were cases when this thought process was applicable. Vedang and I had discussions similar topics for long. This post is like a summary of our conversations. :)
Nice way to put it.

akshay said...

As we are travelling in the same boat, i agree with you 100%.
Why Mumbai when we can be in pune which is the best!!

Jitesh Shah said...

I've already told you how I "Fit in" with the scenario in this post :-)

Ameya said...

aww praju .. kon ahe tii :P :P lolzz

ok on more serious note, sometimes (well most of the times) you make decision which is best for your career or some other prospect perhaps. The opportunity is too good to turn down just to be in your comfort zone. That's why we take the step, as simple as that. Eventually you look for first chance to go for perfect match.

Unknown said...

so true...
we always think abt neva realise tat we r changing!


Mithila said...

Life is not a plastic block. It is anything but that. A platic block is constant, static, never changing. Life is fleeting, ephemeral, and always shifting. One day you fit in, the other day you don't. We aren't and shouldn't be plastic blocks that fit in a mould. We are chameleons who simply give the semblance of fitting in :)